In this workshop you will learn about Allan Carrington’s pedagogical wheel, based on the use of Bloom’s taxonomy and incorporating various ICT to support the pedagogical process. To this end, you will learn about innovative approaches to learning and teaching and the range of possible ICT to support the pedagogical process. As an option, we also present a pedagogical wheel for students with disabilities.


Sanja Jedrinović, Sara Drožđek, Anja Luštek, Tadeja Nemanič, Jože Rugelj, Ana Žabkar Šalić, Vesna Ferk Savec


15 September - 22 September 2021


Sanja Jedrinović

This workshop is designed to introduce you to Allan Carrington’s Pedagogical Wheel. In addition to an introduction and a conclusion, it consists of 4 chapters: 

Innovative Teaching
In this topic you will learn about some innovative approaches to learning and teaching. You will learn about the teaching wheel, transformative learning, backward planning of the teaching process, students’ skills and attributes, and the development of their personal character.  

As a conclusion to the chapter, it is compulsory to pass a quiz on innovative teaching. It is recommended to collaboratively create a list of attributes that you would like to promote in future graduates of the University of Ljubljana and to participate in a forum in which you are invited to share your experiences of innovative teaching.

Learning objectives according to Bloom’s taxonomy
In this topic you will learn about Bloom’s taxonomy, which aims to help teachers classify learning objectives according to different levels of complexity. Through the materials, you will learn the basics of Bloom’s Taxonomy, learn how to design learning objectives based on it, and learn a little more about the revised Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy.

As a conclusion to the chapter, it is recommended to participate in a forum where you can share your experiences of using Bloom’s Taxonomy.

A selection of possible ICT to support the pedagogical process
In this topic you will learn about a range of different ICT to support the pedagogical process. You will learn about the criteria that can help you choose the appropriate ICT. For this purpose, we have classified the different ICT according to their functionalities and placed them in a specific category according to the European Framework of Digital Competences for Teachers (DigCompEdu). 

As a conclusion to the chapter, you will check your understanding of the content presented by taking a compulsory quiz and crossword on the selection and evaluation of ICT in the teaching process. You are also invited to participate in a forum where you can share with us and other participants your experience, opinion or any concerns you may have about the choice of ICT to support the pedagogical process.

(Optional) Pedagogical Wheel for students with disabilities
In this topic you will have the opportunity to learn about the pedagogical bicycle for students with disabilities. This is an optional section where you are offered a number of materials and resources on the use of the pedagogical bicycle for students with disabilities. 

You are invited to share your experiences of using the teaching bike for students with disabilities in the forum.

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