Intensive online workshop: Moodle in education 1

INTENSIVE ONLINE WORKSHOP MOODLE IN EDUCATION 1 In this workshop you will learn about the basic functionalities of the Moodle online classroom and how to use them in the most effective way in your teaching process. You will learn about the Moodle tools assignment, page, file, URL, label, glossary, forum, questionnaire, quiz and wiki, which […]

Intensive online workshop: Moodle in education 2

INTENSIVE ONLINE WORKSHOPMOODLE IN EDUCATION 2 In this workshop, you will learn about advanced activities in Moodle and how to use the online classroom in a meaningful way in your teaching process. You will learn about Moodle activities such as workshop, book, checklist, lesson, database, response and how to create interactive materials using the H5P […]


STEAMColab About STEAMcoLab 22 Organisation Programme Registration Contact Event programme The Programme and Organising Committee reserves the right to make changes to the programme You are invited to view summaries of individual presentations and workshops COLLECTION OF ABSTRACTS 20 September 2023 8.00 – 8.45 Registration and gathering of participants 8.45 – 9.00 Introduction and welcome […]

Workshop face-to-face Problem-based learning using ICT

Workshop face-to-faceProblem-based learning using ICT This workshop will focus on the introduction of the problem-based learning approach using ICT. We will present different examples of problem-based learning and the different tools that allow us to organise, implement, monitor and evaluate problem-based learning. We will also focus on the different ways of using Moodle online classrooms […]

Workshop face-to-face Project-based learning using ICT

Workshop face-to-face Project-based learning using ICT This workshop will focus on introducing the project-based learning approach using ICT. We will present different examples of project-based learning and the different tools that allow us to organise, implement, monitor and evaluate project-based learning. We will also focus on the different ways of using Moodle and MS Teams […]

Workshop face-to-face Game desing using ICT

Workshop face-to-face Game desing using ICT This workshop will introduce you to games in education.We will encounter the approaches of learning with games, presented together with a number of already created educational games to enrich the pedagogical process, and learning by creating games, where you will learn about H5P, Wordwall, Moodle plugins, Snap! and Unity. […]

Workshop face-to-face Self and peer evaluation using ICT

WORKSHOP FACE-TO-FACESELF AND PEER EVALUATION USING ICT The workshop will focus on the concepts of self- and peer-evaluation and will present the different ICT that enables these two ways of evaluating knowledge. We will present different examples of learning activities involving self- and peer evaluation using ICT and take a closer look at e.g. the […]

Workshop face-to-face Adaptive learning using ICT

WORKSHOP FACE-TO-FACEADAPTIVE LEARNING USING ICT This workshop will introduce the concept of adaptive learning and show how ICT can play a role in encouraging this kind of learning. We will learn about different ICTs and show different examples of how ICTs can be used to design learning activities that enable adaptive learning. We will put […]

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